News Archive

Annonces › CTF Registration - Social Engineering - Villages!
News › Registration 2018
Announces › Announcement of speakers | Training registration | Bugcrowd Party
News › QuébecSec Announcement- Montlhy Security Meeting
News › Call For Papers and iHack 2017 on June 10
Annonces › New 2017 website and Call For Trainings
News › Speakers and CTFs
News › Hackfest 2016 Registration is open
News › Register to Corelan ADVANCED & iHack 2016, Malware Analysis Training & Security101/102 training
Updates › New design, Call For Participations & iHack 2016
Hackfest 2016 - Talks will be held on November 4-5th and trainings on November 2-3rd.
The CTF Hackfest 2015 team is proud to present you the 'Making of & Write-ups that was held on November 6th! Good reading!
For all of you who registered at the door here is the receipt: Hackfest 2015 - Receipt
Hackfest 2015: Our enigma game BrainFuck is back! Prizes to win, you have until 22h00 on Saturday!
Hackfest 2015: Registration at the door: 120$ Cash only, limited quantity, be there at 8h00!
Hackfest 2015: We are please pleased to welcome our final speakers and conferences: -Roberto Salgado: Hacking like a boss -Damien Bancal: Le protocole d'alerte zataz -Theo de Raadt: Pledge: A new security technology in openbsd
We are pleased to introduce our GADGET sponsors who will offer prizes for the participants and winners of the CTF!
Hackfest 2015 Speaker: We are pleased to welcome John McAfee (@officialmcafee) as a speaker on November 7th!
We are pleased to welcome a 2015 SILVER Sponsor!
Hackfest 2015: We are pleased to announce the following speakers –Shane MacDougall: I Am Joe’s Twitter Profile: An OSINT/Social Engineering Journey Through An IT Pro’s Social Media Profile –Marc-André Bélanger: Le Top 5 des meilleures façons d’être responsable de la perte d’un million de dollars –Thomas Dupuy & Olivier Bilodeau: Internet of {Things,Threats} –Johnny Xmas: 1993 BC: Get Off my LAN! –Pierre-Alexandre Braeken: Powershell – Reveal Windows Memory Credentials –François Harvey: WordPress : attaque, audit et protection
We are pleased to welcome as the EVENT Sponsor 2015!
Hackfest 2015: We are pleased to announce the following speakers - Nadeem Douba : BurpKit: Using WebKit to Own the Web - François Gagnon: Les communications sécurisées dans les applications mobiles : What a meSS(L) - Roy Firestein: Cymon – An Open Threat Intelligence System - Julie Gommes: La cryptographie, vecteur d’identité chez les djihadistes - Robert Masse: Hunting down enemy nation states within your organization
Hackfest 2015: Only 3 days left for our Super-Early Bird price. On August first price goes up!
Hackfest 2015: First speakers has been announced
iHack 2015: (French, except CTF) On May 30th we present you this iHack 2015 with a new format: Conferences in the afternoon and a CTF at night!
Hackfest 2015 Call For Papers is now live. You want to present your research, a new tool or any other subject or concept related to security and hacking, submit now!
Now available: Receipt Hackfest 2014
Thank you to our 600 and more attendees. Press Release now available (Currently French)
En primeur, the video presentation of Theo de Raadt 'arc4random'
Hackfest 2014 CTF Results are online
New French conference of Dominique Clément in a new format with a limited number of places will be present in the Hackfest Lounge this Friday at 10am he will present us: "Attaques DDoS sur l’infrastructure de votre réseau, comment réagir?"
Registration to Hackfest Party CTF (Saturday November 8th) available
This year we've decided to expand Hackfest. So we are now on 3 floors! We added the CTF on Friday during the day, a lounge where we will present a few movies, a bar in the CTF room and Hackfest Party Saturday night with several CTF!
Schedule 2014 is now available
We are pleased to welcome Radware as a PLATINUM partner
You are interested in covering Hackfest 2014 as a media? Send us a media accreditation
We are pleased to welcome as a 2014 speakers Numaan Huq 'Predicting NextGen POS RAM Scraper Malware' Emily Brandwin 'From Comedian to the CIA' Iftach Amit 'Red white and blue. Making sense of Red Teaming for good' Theo de Raadt 'TBA' Nadim Kobeissi 'miniLock — File encryption software that does more with less' Yaniv Miron 'I luvz hacking challenges sites – do you?' Sherif Koussa 'Workshop : Security Code Review Bootcamp (3 hours)' François Gagnon 'Laboratoire virtuel pour l’analyse de malware Android' Jason Gillam 'Web Penetration Testing with Burp and CO2' Frank Breil 'Logiciels malveillants avancés : Avons-nous besoin d’ajouter d’autres couches?' Alexander Rau 'The State of Mobile Security' Brad 'Renderman' Haines 'They are doing WHAT! with Air Traffic Control?'
We are pleased to welcome as a SILVER partner
We are pleased to welcome CSIS as a PLATINUM partner
We are pleased to welcome as a GOLD partner
We are pleased to welcome as a GOLD sponsor
We are pleased to welcome for a fourth year, and as a GOLD sponsor
Want to present a project, an idea, a research, a PoC? Be a speaker at Hackfest 2014! Answer the Call For Papers
We are pleased to welcome our first five (5) Hackfest 2014 speakers!
French training: Formations Hackfest 2014: Sécurité 101 et Sécurité 102 (nouveauté)!
HackerSpace 29 mai 2014: Client Side Attack (BeEF me up!). Inscription gratuite
Hackfest 2014 registration is now open
First training 2014: Corelan Live – Win32 Exploit Development Bootcamp (November 5-6th 2014)
Retour sur le HackerSpace de mars
Hackfest Security Podcast #34 - Mars 2014
La sécurité applicative et les tests d'intrusion, beaucoup plus qu'un scan automatisé
Hackfest Security Podcast #33 - Février 2014
Hackfest Security Podcast #32 - Février 2014
Hackfest Security Podcast #31 - Février 2014
Hackfest Security Podcast #30 - 15 janvier 2014
Hackfest Security Podcast #29 - Décembre 2013
HF 2013 War Game - Missile launchers write-up
Now available: Receipt Hackfest 2013
Hackfest 2013 Model making of
Registration to our HackerSpace Mailing List (Monthly meeting)
Hackfest Security Podcast #28 (French)
Hackfest Security Podcast #28 - Décembre 2013
Hackfest Security Podcast #27 (French)
Hackfest Security Podcast #27 - Novembre 2013
Hackfest 2013 photos are available: here
Hackfest 2013 press release is now available
Hackfest 2013 Hacking Games results and scoreboards are online
Cloud and smartphone data security
If you aren't already registered for Hackfest 2013 know that there is a very limited number of tickets on site. First come, first serve.
For a forth year we are pleased to welcome OKIOK as a GOLD partner!
Training 'Sécurité 101' (French) registration are closing this Monday, October 28th.
Come see us at CQSI 2013 this Monday and Tuesday October 21st and 22nd.
Hackfest 2013 online registration close November 1st. Then at the door price is 100$/person
Password cracking - correlation of words in various languages to build wordlists [hashrunner 2013 writeup]
Hackfest 2013 Hardware Hacking and Social Engineering workshop announced.
We are pleased to welcome as a proud GOLD 2013 partner.
Hackfest 2013 Schedule available
We are pleased to welcome as a GOLD partner!
We are pleased to welcome as a GOLD partner!
Hackfest CTF 2013 tracks announced
Hackfest 2013 Super-Early registration at 65$ until August 18th
Nouvelle Formation 2013: Sécurité 101, 275$ pour une journée
Second rond of 2013 speakers announced: Sébastien Duquette & Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé, Iftach (Ian) Amit, François Harvey, Celil Ünüver, Christine Roussel, Shane MacDougall
iHack 2013 Forensic track #3 & 4 - Your eyes are bleeding and you need to split something.
iHack 2013 Forensic track #1 - time machine
First 2013 speakers announced: James Arlen, Dave Lewis, Robert Masse, François Lajeunesse-Robert, Dominique Clément
For 4 years in a row we are proud to welcome Wolf Technologies as a Coffee partner! Thanks for your support!
We are proud to welcome Sekcore as a GOLD partner! Thank you for your support!.
Communiqué: Hommage aux collaborateurs de la communauté (Ville de Québec)
Mois de l'assembleur x86, semaine 4 - Fonctions et appels système
Hackfest 2013 registration are now open
We are pleased to welcome Radware as a 2013 GOLD partner.
Mois de l'assembleur x86, semaine 3 - Structures logiques
Mois de l'assembleur x86, semaine 2 - Premiers Pas
Next HackerSpace, June 27th 18h30 at Cegep Ste-Foy: Fun With x86 ASM
Mois de l'assembleur x86, semaine 1 - Introduction
Forensic track challenges from iHack 2013
We are proud to announce the return of GardienVirtuel as a 2013 partner! Go talk to them at their booth.
En préparation pour le iHack!
We are pleased to welcome Dicaire Stratégies who will be sponsering a part of this year Coffee!
Hackfest Security Podcast #26 : Interview GreenHeartGames - The fake pirated game
We are pleased to announce the return of Altea as a 2013 GOLD partner and a proud partner since Hackfest 2010!
Wardriving: Un aller-retour Québec-Montréal
Ce n'est pas du jeu!
Hackfest Security Podcast #25 (22 avril 2013)
Nouvelles en vrac!
Le Hackfest a besoin de vous!
Corelan & TrustedSec training registrations are now open
Hackfest Security Podcast #24 - 8 avril 2013
iHack Night 2013Hacking night held in Quebec City, Canada. VPN Option: TBA (French)
Le challenge du malware
Hackfest Security Podcast #23 (27 mars 2013)
Ubuntu et Chine?
Hackfest Security Podcast #22 : 11 mars (en retard :)
Hacking = innovation
HackerSpace 3yo Special! Technical talk : Enterprise backdooring with Tor Hidden Services (French)
Both trainings are 995$CAD! So make sure you have nothing booked for November 6th & 7th of 2013. Registration opening soon.
Byob Rien De Nouveau Sobodg
Physical trojan
The return of Corelan Live – Win32 Exploit Development Bootcamp with Peter Van Eeckhoutte
New training: Bypassing Security Defenses – Secret Penetration Testing Techniques with Dave "ReL1k" Kennedy creator of SET
Training 2013 are now online.
Hackfest Security Podcast #21 - Interview with Robert about the DDoS on Xittel
Prochain HackerSpace ce jeudi 28 février : Covert Channel, Bypass your entreprise rules!
HackferSpace: Slides and Screencast 28th January 2013 (Why NTLM sucks!)
Nouvelles en vrac
Hackfest Security Podcast #20
Paquets de la mort
La grande muraille
Nouvelles En Vrac 11
Hackfest Podcast #19 : Interview avec Hamed Al-Khabaz du Collège Dawson
Hackfest Security Podcast : Interview with Hamed Al-Khabaz about expelled from Dawson College.
Responsible Disclosure
Nouvelles En Vrac 10
Droit A La Vie Privee
HackerSpace January 24th, we present you a demo: Why NTML sucks! Register now
Nouvelles en vrac
Hackfest Security Podcast 18 (janvier 2013)
Le Chat Et La Souris
Happy New Year 2013
Rafal Los ( Podcast with Steven & Martin
Holiday break
Hackfest 2012 photos are now online.
Hackfest 2012 press release and observations of the cyberwar simulation
Hackfest 2012: Press release
HackerSpace November 22, VaultDB by Maxime Labelle
Hacking Games results are online: Hackfest Cyberwar 2012 and Hackfest CTF 2012
Please feel free to anwser our Feedback form about Hackfest 2012 all comments and suggestions are welcome.
This is your receipt for Hackfest 2012 (md5sum = 3a631d4659c8bbd661aa36695ed2db7a).
Remote Crack Me
Official twitter hashtag is #HF2012
Nouvelles En Vrac 8
End of online registration tonight 18h. Register now!
Nouvelles En Vrac 7
New French speaker: Benoît Guérette will present us "BYODeception"
Backtrack 101 5 Netcat
Nouvelle En Vrac
The spoon is not real
Nouvelles En Vrac 6
Backtrack 101-4-Hydra
Nouvelles En Vrac 5
Demain La Guerre
Nouvelles En Vrac 4
End of Registration for Corelan Training this Friday October 19th! Registration NOW!!--:--> Fin des inscriptions pour la formation Corelan ce vendredi 19 octobre! Inscrivez-vous maintenant!
We are pleased to welcome Secus as a Media partner.
Backtrack 101-3-nmap + nse
Hackfest Cyberwar Registration, Team of 1 to 10 persons (November 2nd 19h)
Hackfest CTF Registration, Team of 4 (November 3rd 19h)
We are pleased to welcome Dicaire Stratégies as a BRONZE partner!
Nouvelles En Vrac 3
Hackfest 2012 Schedule is now online (November 2nd and 3rd)
Série politiques de sécurité TI en entreprise 2
We are pleased to a new Challenge offered by Symantec "Cyber Readiness Challenge 2012"
Crash test dummies
Backtrack 101-2-Dirbuster
TED: Hire the hackers! (Misha Glenny)
Départ de Nicolas-Loïc Fortin, la fin et le début d'une aventure!
Fast news
We are pleased to welcome Symantec as a GOLD partner!
Announcing BackTrack 101
Porte ouverte chez Avencall (XiVO à La Une le jeudi 04 octobre 2012)
Fast news
TED: Investigates global crime networks (Misha Glenny)
We are pleased to present you: Reboot - The movie!
TED: How cyberattacks threaten real world peace (Guy-Philippe Goldstein)
Registration to Hackfest 2012 Regular price 70$ Group & student discount, contact-us: info @ Government discount, contact-us: infor @
Office of information security
Hackfest 2012 LockPicking Challenge by Pro-Clef
Reseaux A Flux Rapide
TED: All your devices can be hacked (Avi Rubin)
iHack 2012.3: Going back on the event
New at the Hackfest: Avencall offers its "Pwn-to-own" Challenge with 1000$ in prize!
New at the Hackfest: Watchguard offers its "Security Made Easy!" Challenge with a XTM 2 Series Firewall Appliance in prize !
TED: FBI, here I am! (Hassan Elahi)
Aimes Tu Le Java
TED: A Navy Admiral's thoughts on global security (James Stavridis)
For a third year we are pleased to welcome OKIOK as a GOLD partner!
HackerSpace 27 Septembre 2012
TED: Your phone company is watching (Malte Spitz)
Hackfest Security Podcast #17 (2012-09-08)
TED: The security mirage (Bruce Schneier)
Good job to the Bitducks for their victory of the iHack Night of August!
Technical skills for manager?
Hackfest Security Podcast #16 (2012-09-01)
We are pleased to welcome Sekcore as a BRONZE partner!
Hackfest Security Podcast #15 (2012-08-25)
Affiliate with Hakin9
Registration for our Friday games is open Cyberwar: A Corporate Reality
Registration for our Saturday games is open Classic : Capture The Flag
Hackfest Security Podcast #14 (2012-08-18)
New speaker: Ben Sapiro will present us 'Fear, loathing & infosec in legal contracts'
New French speaker: Dimitri Souleliac will present us 'Hacking : la revanche du hardware'
We are pleased to welcome for a second year Infidem as a SILVER partner
Hackfest Security Podcast #13 (2012-08-12)
Hackfest Security Podcast #12 (2012-08-05)
(French) 5 training at Cégep Ste-Foy and online (Network management)
HackerSpace Août 2012
(French) Register to our August HackerSpace
We are pleased to welcome Rafal Los as a 2012 speaker. He will present us "House of cards – Preparing the unprepared enterprise (red teaming, testing defenses)"
We are proud to welcome Aditya Gupta & Subho Halder as 2012 speakers. They will present us "Attacking Angry Droids : Advanced Android Exploitation with AFE"
Hackfest Security Podcast #11 (2012-07-28)
Hackfest Security Podcast #10 (2012-07-21)
Discount codes finish today at 23h59! Register now!
Mobile threats in action
We are really proud to welcome GoSecure as a 2012 PLATINUM partner.
Watch Dogs
Corelan Live - Win32 Exploitation Development Bootcamp, 995$(CAD) for 2 days! A unique training in Quebec City! Register now
Hackfest Security Podcast #9 (2012-07-14)
Les médias
L'extorsion continue
Grande tournée des cégeps et universités
Code rabais pour le Gouvernement du Québec
Hackfest Security Podcast #8 (2012-07-07)
Je me souviens... Que rien n'a changé!
We are proud to welcome our new SILVER partner Infisec
Hackfest Security Podcast #7 (2012-06-30)
C'est bientôt le départ pour Las Vegas (2012 edition)
Hackfest Security Podcast #6 (2012-06-24)
Podcast, Épisode 5 : Juin
Initiative du Hackfest pour les adolescents
We are proud to welcome Watchguard for a 2nd year and a first as a PLATINUM partner
For a second year No Starch Press are joining the Hackfest as a SILVER partner and will be giving some awesome prices
Mise A Jour De Mi Annee
Hackfest Weekly News 16 Juin 2012
We welcome VMWare as a BRONZE partner
Welcome to Egyde as a GOLD partner
We are proud to welcome Enode as a GOLD partner
Hackfest Weekly News : 9 juin 2012
Russian Cyber Capabilities: Policy and Practice
Chinese Information Warfare
Hackfest Weekly News : 2 juin 2012
In Memoriam Dominic Pion
Mission Possible
Otage d'un projet
Code of ethics
Apprendre en voyant
Mutillidae ou comment apprendre
Hackfest Weekly News : 26 mai 2012
Le danger des tests d'intrusions
Hackfest 2012 registration are now open! We also have hidden discount codes on our websites
Hackfest 2012 registration are now open! We also have hidden discount codes on our websites
Hackfest 2012 registration are now open! We also have hidden discount codes on our websites
Hackfest 2012 registration are now open! We also have hidden discount codes on our websites
A first list of Tracks for the Saturday CTF are announced : Web / Phony app / Exploits / Crypto / Crackme / Quizz / Data mining
Mythe de sécurité #4: Il est possible de se reposer sur la sagesse de la foule
Privacy Policy
Hackfest Weekly News : 19 mai 2012
Podcast, Épisode 4 : Mai
Top 10 free ways to secure your Mac
Hackfest Weekly News : 12 mai 2012
Next CtF in Montreal: Pencontest June 9th 2012
We are proud to announce Dave "ReL1K" Kennedy as a speaker for this year's event. Creator of SET, fast-track, co-author of "Metasploit the penetration tester's guide" as well as founder of DerbyCon.
We are proud to announce that Dave "gattaca" Lewis of as a 2012 speaker!
Hackfest Podcast, Épisode 3 : Avril
Active Directory Hold-up ... give me all the information ... i'm "Authenticated Users" (Part 1)
New blogger: Stephane Sigmen
Un nuage pas si privé que ça
Call for papers 2012 is now open
Call For Papers 2012 is now open. Send your ideas, demos, workshop and more now!
Avril 2012 : Hacktivisme, data-leaking, consumérisme TI, big-data
Mythe de sécurité #3: Le changement régulier des mots de passe durci les systèmes de mot de passe
Gestion des mots de passe… Nouveau genre!
Altea Communications return as GOLD partners
Partenariat ASIMM
RSI 2012
Mythe de sécurité #2: Le déni de service distribué est un problème de bande passante
Tromper pour entrer
(french) Second podcast episode : iHack Night edition Listen
Well known English training: "Corelan Live – Win32 Exploit Development Bootcamp". Register here!
Podcast, Épisode 2 : iHack Night
Mythe de sécurité #1: "Plus de sécurité c'est toujours mieux!"
RIM vs Apple
Traçabilité des actions sur Internet
iHack Night 2012.2
Fraude, maudite fraude!
Comment bien effacer son iPad avant la revente
Details of the CTF tracks and registration for our iHack Night this friday are now available
Details of the CTF tracks and registration for our iHack Night this friday are now available
Some of our HackerSpace presentation slides are now available in the Community/HackerSpace/Presentation menu
Abusing Terminal Server SSO to pwn more boxes (Janurary 2012)
Mot de passé mobile (part 4)
Our new Hackfest Media product: The Hackfest Podcast (french) is now available
Hackfest Podcast (Pilot)
La boite à outil d'ingénierie social
We are proud to present our Free Hacking night this 30th March.More info here (french)
Lancement des HackerSpace iHack Night
Mountain Lion
Vivre et laisser vivre
Vous avez dit Anonymous?
SSL et le mythe de sécurité
Pwnie Express
13 mythes
Sécurité intrusive: Blackbox
Partenariat ISACA chapitre de Québec
Mot de passe mobile (part 3)
Registration for the Corelan Live – Win32 Exploit Development Bootcamp are now open.
Cachez cette sécurité que je ne saurais voir
Si tu m'aimes, ne me demande pas mon mot de passe!
Next HackerSpace, 23th February. Patrick Roy will present "Port Knocking and Beyond" (french talk)
Hackfest present a unique training in Quebec : Win32 Exploitation by Corelan
The Hackfest 2012 is now online in a "revolution" version
2012: Le fin du monde?
Une victime du cloud!
Carrier IQ
Imprimante multi LOL
Marcus Ranum sera à Montréal
The photos
Slides 2011
Soyez sôciâle
Recovering Hashes from Domain Controller
Information leaks (remix no tech hacking for Secus)
Hackfest 2011
L'intranet, si sécuritaire!
The Plaster Effect
Je m'en c...
APT ou crier au loup (part 2)
Cachez ce fichier attaché que je ne saurais voir
Dominic Pion
Appel à la participation
Affiliation ISSA-Québec
Non-Interactive Shell, Uploading files and other parlor tricks