Hackfest 2015: We are pleased to announce the following speakers –Shane MacDougall: I Am Joe’s Twitter Profile: An OSINT/Social Engineering Journey Through An IT Pro’s Social Media Profile –Marc-André Bélanger: Le Top 5 des meilleures façons d’être responsable de la perte d’un million de dollars –Thomas Dupuy & Olivier Bilodeau: Internet of {Things,Threats} –Johnny Xmas: 1993 BC: Get Off my LAN! –Pierre-Alexandre Braeken: Powershell – Reveal Windows Memory Credentials –François Harvey: WordPress : attaque, audit et protection

' Hackfest 2015: We are pleased to announce the following speakers

Shane MacDougall: I Am Joe’s Twitter Profile: An OSINT/Social Engineering Journey Through An IT Pro’s Social Media Profile
Marc-André Bélanger: Le Top 5 des meilleures façons d’être responsable de la perte d’un million de dollars
Thomas Dupuy & Olivier Bilodeau: Internet of {Things,Threats}
Johnny Xmas: 1993 BC: Get Off my LAN!
Pierre-Alexandre Braeken: Powershell – Reveal Windows Memory Credentials
François Harvey: WordPress : attaque, audit et protection
