Call for papers 2012 is now open
We are pleased to announce the opening of the Call for Papers (CfP) for Hackfest 2012. We invite you to submit your ideas in large numbers, because the wealth of the event relies on your participation and presentations you make.
Again this year, Friday will be devoted to more general topics and Saturday hardcore/technical talks.
We will accept proposals until the schedule is full. We will announce as and when the choices are made and the call for participation will be closed when the schedule is completed.
Send your papers in large numbers!
Send an email to: [email protected]
Include the follwoing :
- Your First and Last name
- Your email
- Your conference title/subject
- A complete description of your conference
- A photo of you or an image that represents you
Speakers of the last Hackfest:
2011 speakers
2010 speakers
2009 speakers