Villages 2024

List of Villages

Startups Showcase / Embedded Systems / Social Engineering Contest / Hackfest Generations / Ham Radio / Palo Alto NOC / Hack your career / IoT - Bank Heist / Lockpicking / Escape room / SCADA/ICS / AWS Workshops /

Startups Showcase

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Embedded Systems

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Social Engineering Contest

A social engineering contest by telephone where the participant must obtain privileged information via engineering discussion techniques. The goal is to get an X number of information and the best wins!

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Hackfest Generations

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Ham Radio

The amateur radio village is the ideal place to learn about the technologies available to operators. You’ll be able to immerse yourself in this often little-known universe, where the possibilities are limitless. Come and talk to experienced operators on a wide range of subjects.

Palo Alto NOC

The Network Operations Center (NOC) stands as a fortress of high-security, unwavering availability, operating in one of the world’s most demanding arenas: the Hackfest event. Achieving this remarkable feat is a collective effort, combining the expertise of cyber defense specialists of Palo Alto Networks, all under the leadership of Hackfest’s esteemed NOC Team Leads. Together, this coalition fortifies the network with security, stability, and visibility that rivals top-tier enterprise networks globally.

Annually, this hand-picked team convenes months before the Hackfest event to seamlessly integrate the latest infrastructure and security solutions into a meticulously crafted network design. In the final sprint leading to Hackfest, the team reconvenes just days before the event, orchestrating a rapid deployment of a network that must be fully operational on the event’s opening day.

For those attending Hackfest, the NOC is an opportunity to witness firsthand this cutting-edge network in action. The Hackfest NOC program is a testament to the prowess of engineering and the power of teamwork, illustrating how innovation and collaboration underpin the success of this high-stakes security operation.

Hack your career

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IoT - 3D Bank Heist Simulation

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Lock-picking workshop. Come try your skill at picking locks with a variety of tools. Tips and tricks with lots of different locks to try.

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Escape room *

* Nom sujet à changement

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AWS Workshops

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