Comité du CFP 2016

Vincent B. Tremblay


Vincent gravite dans l’univers et la communauté de sécurité informatique depuis près de 15 ans et l’expérience lui amène cette piqûre voulant instaurer le gros bon sens en matière de [sécurité] TI. Ayant un DEC en technique informatique de réseau, il s’implique notamment dans les Hacking games et travaille en tant qu’administrateur de systèmes.

Trevor Stevado


Trevor is a former software developer who one day realized that breaking things was so much more fun than building things. Trevor has been in the security consulting world for 8 years, starting with IBM, and then as a key member of Grant Thornton’s Cyber Security practice. He is now the founder of Loudmouth Security, focusing on offensive security assessments and defensive countermeasures. Trevor is also a senior staff member and leader of the red cell for an attack/defence CTF that is played at various BSides conferences in the US, with the main event happening at BSidesLV every year.

Nadeem Douba


Nadeem Douba is the founding principal of Red Canari, an information security consulting firm that specializes in the areas of technical security assessments. With over 15 years experience, Nadeem provides consulting and training services for organizations within the public and private sector. He has also presented at some of the world’s largest security conferences and is the author of many well-known open source security tools, including PyMiProxy (used by the Internet Archive), Sploitego, and the Canari Framework (previously presented at DEFCON 20). His primary research interests include open source intelligence, application and operating system security, and big data.

Patrick Mathieu


Patrick est cofondateur du Hackfest et s’implique dans le domaine de la sécurité informatique depuis plus de 20 ans. Il travaille en tant que pentester et lead purple team et est spécialisé dans la sécurité applicative. Patrick possède un Bacc. et un DEC en informatique et de plus, il a toujours été actif dans la communauté et dans les évènements de sécurité.

Chris Sumner


Chris (Suggy) is a data scientist in the Cyber Security team at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. In addition to his corporate responsibilities, Chris serves on the DEF CON call-for-papers review board and is a co-founder of the not-for-profit Online Privacy Foundation who contribute to the field of psychological research in online contexts. He has authored papers and spoken on this line of research at leading Security, Psychology and Machine Learning conferences.