Hardware Hacking Village

Village principalement anglophone, mais avec gestionnaire qui parle français un petit peu :)


The Hardware Hacking Village (HHV) is coming to HackFest. Bringing a format of meetups, asynchronous challenges and of course, rework pics! Come join us on the discord channels. Meetups include: Hardware Happy Hour, PCB Proto and Rework, Badge Hacks. And don’t forget to check out the challenges!

Discord Channels

  • #hhv-announcements-text
    • Announcement channel to relay hhv happenings (meetups starting, challenge start, openings/closings, etc); text only and only postable for hhv and hf staff
  • #hhv-general-text
    • Anything and everything hardware hacking that does not specifically fit anywhere else; text only
  • #hhv-meetups-a-text
    • Our meetups are all held here, see the Meetup Schedule for what is happening and when; text only
  • #hhv-meetups-a-voice
    • Voice channel to accompany the meetups, see the Meetup Schedule for what is happening and when; voice only (The link directly joins the #hhv-meetups-a-text channel, when there, click on the voice channel to join)
  • #hhv-rework-text
    • For sharing and discussing PCB bodges, repairs, reworks, and unique designs; text (and pics) only
  • #hhv-challenge-text
    • A place to discuss HHV challenges, past, present, and future; text only

Meetup Descriptions

Some HHV Challenges

By Rob Rehr


HHV members have created a few challenges for this year’s Hackfest. Come learn and chat about those challenges, or bring new challenges to share with the community. This time will start with an introduction to this year’s HHV challenges, but the remaining time will be open to community questions and conversations

PCB Rework

By Ben Gardiner


Have any tips for how to make your own use of a PCB? Do you love bodge wires? Should they be blue? Join us for these and other pressing questions around the topic of PCB rework.

3H: Hardware Happy Hour

By Rob & Ben & All


Wind down the first official day of HF talking about hardware! Bring a project to share! All hardware projects are welcome, from a simple Arduino based thingamabob to your company’s newest hardware product (and how you earn your living). The main focus is meeting like minded people who are building fun things!

Badge Hacks

By Rob & Ben


Badges are cool and all, but they’re more or less glorified development boards. How have you modified your badges so that they do more than just collect dust? Bring a modded badge to show off, or simply join for inspiration!

Meetup Schedule

Friday November 20th

  • 5PM-6PM: Meetup - Some Challenges - #hhv-meetups-a-text & #hhv-meetups-a-voice
  • 6PM-7PM: Meetup - PCB Proto and Rework - #hhv-meetups-a-text & #hhv-meetups-a-voice
  • 8PM-9PM: Meetup - 3H: Hardware Happy Hour - #hhv-meetups-a-text & #hhv-meetups-a-voice

Saturday November 21st

  • 11AM-12PM: Meetup - Some Challenges - #hhv-meetups-a-text & #hhv-meetups-a-voice
  • 12PM-1PM: Meetup - Badge Hacks - #hhv-meetups-a-text & #hhv-meetups-a-voice


Rob Rehrig [email protected] and Ben Gardiner [email protected] – a couple of DEF CON HHV volunteers.

Mr. Gardiner is a Cybersecurity Research Engineer at Yellow Flag Security, Inc. specializing in hardware and low-level software security. With more than ten years of professional experience in embedded systems design and a lifetime of hacking experience, Gardiner has a deep knowledge of the low-level functions of operating systems and the hardware with which they interface. Prior to joining the YFS team in 2019, Mr. Gardiner held security assurance and reversing roles at a global corporation, as well as worked in embedded software and systems engineering roles at several organizations. He holds a Masters of Engineering in Applied Math & Stats from Queen’s University. He is a DEF CON Hardware Hacking Village (DC HHV) and Car Hacking Village (CHV) volunteer. He is GIAC GPEN certified and a GIAC advisory board member, he is also chair of the SAE TEVEES18A1 Cybersecurity Assurance Testing TF (drafting J3061-2), and a voting member of the SAE Vehicle Electronic Systems Security Committee. Mr. Gardiner has delivered workshops and presentations at several world cybersecurity events including GENIVI security sessions, Hack in Paris, HackFest and DEF CON.

Rob Rehr is a hardware hacker and electrical engineer at Bresslergroup, with an excitement towards embedded systems design and repurposing old hardware. He has a history of hacking electronic conference badges, sometimes before the badges are even released. Rehr has been a member of the DEF CON Hardware Hacking Village (DC HHV) since DC24, and leads the Hardware Hacking Village for DEF CON China. When not speaking at or helping with conferences like DEF CON, THOTCON, and ShmooCon, Rehr enjoys running, cycling, and spending time with his Furbys.