3 Novembre 2018 19h00

Duproprio Party


Joignez-vous à nous lors du samedi soir pour le party de hacking de l’année! DJ, lightsticks, Bar, CTFs (voir ci-dessous), Village et concours de lockpicking et plus encore sont au rendez-vous! À ne pas manquer!


Gagner un saut en parachute, par Duproprio!


  • Tables de poker et blackjack
  • Jeu de poche
  • Bar
  • DJ
  • CTFs (voir ci-dessous)

Horaire de la soirée

  • 19h10 : Discours d’ouverture de Duproprio
  • 19h00 Ă  21h : Qualification OWASP CTF
  • 19h00 Ă  01h00: SecurityInnovation CTF - Beginner and Advanced CTF!
  • 20h00: Enregistrement du podcast La French Connection (Salle: Social Engineering)
  • 22h00: Final OWASP CTF (Track 2)
  • 02h30: Fin du party

SecurityInnovation CTFs - CMD+CTRL

Web Application Cyber Range

Want to test your skills in identifying web app vulnerabilities? Join the CMD+CTRL cyber range, a unique, immersive environment where players exploit their way through hundreds of vulnerabilities that lurk in business applications today. Success means learning quickly that attack and defense is all about thinking on your feet.

For each vulnerability you uncover, you are awarded points. Climb the interactive leaderboard for a chance to win fantastic prizes! CMD+CTRL is ideal for development teams to train and develop skills, but anyone involved in keeping your organization’s data secure can play - from developers and managers and even CISOs.

For beginners, we’ll be running 1 session using our ShadowBank banking site and for those looking for more of a challenge, our our advanced cryptocurrency exchange site DigiExchange should give you a run for your money.

Register onsite to participate!


OWASP presents the mini-CTF, a web sacurity competition with very accessible challenges. The final will be broadcast on the big screen and commented live! To qualify, get the most points as quickly as possible during the first hours of competition. Come participate or attend this mini-CTF!


À 20h c’est le Live recording of our French podcast La French Connection dans la salle bethoveen


  • Ouvert Ă  tous (Requiert une badge Hackfest)
  • de 19h Ă  2h00