Horaire 2017


Heure Hall des partenaires, Niveau3 en haut des escaliers
19h00 Récupérer votre badge, aucun achat
22h00 Fin de la récupération


Heure Track #1 (Plaza1) Track #2 (Plaza2) Workshop/Social CTF
8h00 Accueil Accueil    
9h00 Michelle Superhéros Tous! Comment l’empathie peut aider l’inclusion des personnel avec ASD/ADHD Patrick Fussell - Between You and Me and the Network Security Boundary (ROOM: Handel, Level SS) Gabriel Ryan - Advanced Wireless Attacks Against Enterprise Networks  
10h00 François Gagnon - Fingerprinting Android malware packaging process through static analysis to identify their creator Speed Talk:

1) Patrick Colford - The Bottom of the Barrel: Scraping Pastebin for Obfuscated Malware

2) Guillermo Buendia & Yael Basurto - How to obtain 100 Facebooks accounts per day through internet searches
(ROOM: Bethoveen) Social Engineering Contest - Workshop Continue  
11h00 Michael Vieau & Kevin Bong - Make a Thing – Creating a Professional-Quality Embedded Device on a Budget Matthieu Faou & Frédéric Vachon - Stantinko : Un botnet aux multiples facettes opérant depuis plus de 5 ans Workshop Continue  
12h00 Dîner: Groupe “Hackfest” au Ginger Dîner: Chez Victor Laurier (Réservation: 418-977-9123) Social-Engineering Contest Continue  
13h30 Johnny Xmas - How To Pwn an Enterprise in 2017 (or 2016, or 2015. . .) Gal Bitensky - Vaccination - An Anti-Honeypot Approach    
14h30 Masarah Paquet-Clouston - Beating the Disinformation Drift: Facts about the AlphaBay Market Matthew Eidelberg & Steven Daracott - SniffAir – An Open-Source Framework for Wireless Security Assessments Social-Engineering Contest Continue  
15h30 K Coooley - Practical Analysis of Awareness Pierre-Alexandre Braeken - NOAH: Uncover the Evil Within! Respond Immediately by Collecting All the Artifacts Agentlessly Social-Engineering Contest Continue Inscription CTF
16h30 Cheryl Biswas - Banking on Insecurity: Why Attackers Can Take the Money and Run Dor Azouri - BITSInject - control your BITS, get SYSTEM Social-Engineering Contest Continue DĂ©but du CTF
17h30 Souper des conférenciers - Inscription Souper des conférenciers - Inscription    
17h30 Souper: Groupe “Hackfest” au Ginger Souper: Chez Victor Laurier (Réservation: 418-977-9123) Fin Social-Engineering CTF Continue
19h00     Workshop hardware hacking 101 (Français, laptop needed) CTF continue

-Lockpicking Village
- RFID Village
22h00     Ends workshop CTF continue
02h30 N/A N/A N/A Fin du CTF


Heure Track #1 (Plaza1) Track #2 (Plaza2) Bethoveen - S-E Contest  
8h00 Accueil Accueil Setup  
9h00 Keith Hoodlet - Attack Driven Development: Getting Started in Application Security Adam Reiser - Selenium: dark side of the moon    
10h00 Steve Garon & John O’Brien - Introducing CSE’s open source AssemblyLine: High-volume malware triaging and analysis Christopher Ellis - Genetic Algorithms for Brute Forcing    
11h00 Hackfest - Québec Fail Panel Raul Alvarez - Dissecting a Metamorphic File-Infecting Ransomware    
12h00 Dîner: groupe “Hackfest au Ginger” Dîner: Chez Victor Laurier (Réservation: 418-977-9123)    
13h30 Philippe Arteau - Static-Analysis Tools: Now you’re Playing with Power! Speed talk:

1) HF Staff Thanks && CTFs Winner ceremonies

2) Damien Bancal - Élection présidentielle Française 2.0
Room Bethoveen: Social Engineering Contest  
14h30 Mahdi Braik & Thomas Debize - Hadoop safari : Hunting for vulnerabilities Rage Against the Weaponized A.I. Propaganda Machine Social-Engineering contest  
15h30 Olivier Bilodeau - Lessons Learned Hunting IoT Malware Gabriel Ryan - The Black Art of Wireless Post-Exploitation Social-Engineering contest  
16h30 Speed Talk:

Marc-André Bélanger - Les véhicules autonomes, leur télémétrie et l’impact sur la sécurité
Sylvain Desharnais - Propriétés des preuves numériques et considérations relatives à leur cueillette N/A  
17h00 5@7 pour Étudiants 5a7 Inscription   5@7 pour Étudiants 5a7 Inscription  
17h30 Souper: Groupe “Hackfest” au Ginger Souper: Chez Victor Laurier (Réservation: 418-977-9123)    
19h00 Ouverture Party. DualCore Show!      
19h30 Bugcrowd Party

- SecurityInnovation CTF
- Bar
- DJ
- Poker, Blackjack
-Lockpicking Village
- RFID Village
Setup Podcast    
20h00 Bugcrowd Party - continue Enregistrement Podcast : La French Connection    
21h00 Burcrowd Party - Continue Setup OWASP CTF Finale    
22h00 Bugcrowd Party - continue OWASP CTF - Finale live on big screen    
23h00 Bugcrowd Party - continue      
02h00 Fin du HF Fin du HF   Â