Secure Coding and Testing Webservices and Web Applications Bootcamp

3 Novembre

Formation en anglais seulement

Le Hackfest est heureux de vous présenter “Secure Coding and Testing Webservices and Web Applications” par Jim Manico bénévole actif de la fondation OWASP.

Students will learn how to code and verify secure web solutions. This course includes a combination of lecture, group discussion, web penetration testing demonstrations and group code review. As part of this course, we will explore the use of third-party security libraries and frameworks to speed and standardize secure development. We will highlight production quality API’s from various languages and frameworks that provide production quality and scalable security controls. We’ll also look at techniques and standards to help developers and other professionals test their applications for security.

Any web or webservice developer as well as any application security professional will find value in this class.


Inclus avec la formation

  • Badge pour les confĂ©rences du 4 et 5 novembre
  • DĂ®ner (3 novembre)
  • Pause cafĂ©
  • Si vous dĂ©sirez jouer au CTF, SVP. nous Ă©crire!

Pourquoi choisir ce cours ?

  • Comprendre la sĂ©curitĂ© applicative et les attaques au niveau des applications et services Web
  • Programmer de manière sĂ©curitaire
  • Comprendre les multiples processus requis pendant les cycles de dĂ©veloppement
  • Tester et vĂ©rifier la sĂ©curitĂ© des applications et services Web

Course contents

Core Modules

  • Application Security Management and Secure SDLC
  • HTTP Basics
  • SQL and other Injection Defense
  • Cross Site Request Forgery and Clickjacking Defense
  • Authentication
  • Access Control
  • XSS Defense

JS Frameworks

  • Angular.JS Security
  • React.JS Security
  • Hapi.JS

Crypto Modules

  • HTTPS/TLS Best Practices

Prérequis techniques

Details will be sent to students before the class begins.


Jim Manico

Jim Manico is the founder of Manicode Security where he trains software developers on secure coding and security engineering. He is also the founder of Brakeman Security, Inc. and is a investor/advisor for Signal Sciences. Jim is a frequent speaker on secure software practices and is a member of the JavaOne rockstar speaker community. Jim is also a volunteer and former board member for the OWASP foundation. He is the author of “Iron-Clad Java: Building Secure Web Applications” from McGraw-Hill. For more information, see His LinkedIn.